Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just What Every College Girl Needs!

Can you guess what it is? I bet you can't! Or I bet that if you can, you can't come up with the particularly necessary item that I'm about to blog about! Actually you probably just cheated and looked at the photo for today's blog post.

ANYWAY: Today I ordered an orange mini fridge for my dorm! Yes, that's right - it's ORANGE!!! For those of you that know me, you know that I absolutely love the color orange. I don't wear orange clothes all the time, because that isn't particularly fashionable or flattering, but a lot of my day-to-day essentials are orange. For example:

* Both of my Nalgene water bottles ( 14 and 32 oz.)
* My headphones
* My bath towels
* My comforter
* My soon-to-be-ordered Brita water pitcher
* My new mini fridge!!!!!

Last semester I didn't buy my own mini fridge. Partially this was because I didn't think I needed one, and it was partially because my suitemate Jessie had a medium/large mini fridge that she allowed my other suitemates and me to share. But because it's so hot in St. Louis, and because I have a lot of dietary restrictions, I decided it would be a good idea to buy my own mini fridge if I could find one for a decent price. And so my Mom found this orange one at Walmart! I just had to get it. Imagine my orange Nalgene water bottles and my orange Brita pitcher sitting inside this fridge :]. What a happy, orange thought.

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