Monday, March 28, 2011

Bead for Life

Today I bought a few bracelets and a necklace that were on sale by a few student groups in our cafeteria. They are sold as a part of Bead for Life, and are made by women in Uganda. The proceeds are sent back to these women to help them receive education, health treatments, vocational training, etc. It helps them create a sustainable way to overcome poverty by providing a form of income instead of just sporadic aid.

On top of this, the jewelry is quite well-made and gorgeous! I've made jewelry before, and this is better than anything I could ever hope to do.

The beads are actually made out of rolled strips of newspapers and magazines, and there is a spot on their website where you can see how they are made. The video is really cool and very inspiring. It's convinced me to go and get another bracelet for my mom. I hope she doesn't read this post before I give it to her!

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