Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chi Omega

As many of you may have noticed, it's been quite some time since I last posted. I took a little break to concentrate on my winter semester at school, and am proud to say that my efforts paid off. I consider last semester to have been quite successful.

A big event that has occurred since my last post is that I am now a member of Chi Omega Fraternity. I am not yet an initiated member, as Initiation is on March 25th, but I am most definitely a part of this wonderful community of Chi Omega sisters!

Part of the fun of being a Chi Omega is that now I get to shop for things with owl or skull and crossbones designs (those are two of our symbols). My only purchase along those lines thus far is a really awesome owl necklace from Claire's. I've had to stop myself from buying a whole bunch of other things because I'm waiting for Big/Little week. This is all in an effort to avoid buying myself the same things that my Big Sister ends up buying me. I'll be sure to post photos from that week when it comes. I've got another month to go!

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