Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dancing Flower

My mom sent me a package, and I finally remembered to go to the campus post office today and pick it up. When I opened it I was very excited because it turned out to be another dancing flower. This is a plastic flower whose dancing is powered by solar energy, as you can tell by the mini solar panel on the front of the base. It is made by Flip Flap, but the only places to buy these flowers in the United States are on websites like ebay and Amazon, or perhaps random little stores around the country.

I love these flowers because I have a complete lack of skills for gardening. In case you don't believe me, last year I killed my bamboo. When I finally threw it out it was crispy. I didn't forget to water it, I think I actually over-watered it. I've heard you're only supposed to water them once a month, but my flower pot wasn't clear, so I couldn't see when it ran out of water, so I had to make a few educated guesses. In any case, it's very dead now. So that's why I love this little guy. I can't kill it! Also I think it looks exactly like the marigolds in the fabulously addicting computer game, Plants vs. Zombies.

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